Small Area, Lots of Life!

I walked down my long gravel driveway to get to the mailbox. Twenty feet or so up from the road, I saw a critter eating leaves; I could hear it biting the leaf! I went to get my camera and took pictures of the small area around that critter including mostly flowers. Hope you like them!

A Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar

Pretty Yellow Angels

The yellow daffodils that I saw here and there a couple decades ago when I built this place have spread like wildfire! They’re along the ditches, up the roadsides, all through the forest, along people’s driveways and more!

This makes me imagine how the first Dutch settlers came here with just a meager collection of these. They put them in front of their homey little cabin. Then it rained and washed some away. Then on and on. Wow!

I also have an update on the Mouse Maven…here is the embellished version:

Bear With Me?

This notice showed up in my email:

You are subscribed to Fish and Wildlife for This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Keep the Wild in Wildlife

04/27/2018 09:53 AM EDT

Warmer temperatures mean bear activity is on the rise in Kentucky. Complaints about bears raiding garbage are on the rise as well.

Critters 009
Do you think he sees a bear?


Leafy vs not
Is that a bear on the far right side?

There are no bears here that I know of, but the bulldozers scraping every living thing off the ground for quick cash , leaving it thereafter for weeds, are getting nearer every day. That’s why I have so many coyotes and bobcats and no more chipmunks or rabbits…or outside cats. Maybe a bear or two would scare the big yellow monsters away, or maybe I could make endangered or sensitive habitat claims?  100 acres isn’t really that large a tract for sizeable predators, but it might be worth a shot. Bad metaphor? No bag-bang.

I wouldn’t mind having Smoky Bear ( officially NOT Smoky the Bear) and family around to emphasize we need to keep some real WOODLANDS alive. Go Cubs!Bear sad
















News, Gratitude and Pictures

  1. Cabin 020My sci-fi eBook The Might of Defiance is FREE for the next couple days! If you wanted to be kind and review it, now would be a good time to get your Kindle copy. Remember, you can get a Kindle reader download for whatever device you’re using, if not a Kindle.
  2. Second but not second class, thanks so much for all the wonderful wishes for my birthday. Birthdays can be depressing, but not when so many leave such warm comments. Happiness to all!
  3. Here are some cabin-related pictures, photos of the place on Earth I treasure the most.

Cabin 20130721 040Strawberry in the leaves

Cabin 049.JPG

Silliness, Take It or Leave It!

Plum Buds“Hey, Bud! What’s up with you these days?”


“Well if it isn’t ol’ Bud! Good to see you!”Cabin march 059


“Didn’t I see Bud around here somewhere?” Tree 4






“I think Bud had to leave.” Cabin march 058






“How would you bloomin’ know?” Cabin march 004

Tree 8“Oh, come on. We all leave eventually! This the natural course of events, the reason for our being, an integral part of our fruitful mission!”






Cabin June 2015 014


“All I know is she ain’t leaving until she fills up my food dish!”

Leaf Birds

Stemmery QC 035Glossy mahogany leavesoak leaves
lofted from the highest limbs of the majestic white oak start their long drift down.
Up! A gusty blow shoots them higher than they’ve ever been! Whirling and darting as do the birds they’ve envied so often, they are loose from the limb. Free air lifts and enlivens them, only them, and they dance gaily, lightly.

Loosing breath, they flutter from the magnificent sky in a gentle gyre.
They settle with a sigh upon the many that have gone before, resigned to sleep, treasuring their grand time as leaf birds.

Stemmery QC 024Stemmery QC 023On the front porch watching and listening to the birds, you see the neatest things. The wind plays a lot of tricks, too! Here is is Friday afternoon and I can hardly wait to get back home. Rainy or nor, here I come!  Doesn’t this picture look like a watercolor?
Stemmery QC 002