Small Area, Lots of Life!

I walked down my long gravel driveway to get to the mailbox. Twenty feet or so up from the road, I saw a critter eating leaves; I could hear it biting the leaf! I went to get my camera and took pictures of the small area around that critter including mostly flowers. Hope you like them!

A Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Caterpillar

Pretty Yellow Angels

The yellow daffodils that I saw here and there a couple decades ago when I built this place have spread like wildfire! They’re along the ditches, up the roadsides, all through the forest, along people’s driveways and more!

This makes me imagine how the first Dutch settlers came here with just a meager collection of these. They put them in front of their homey little cabin. Then it rained and washed some away. Then on and on. Wow!

I also have an update on the Mouse Maven…here is the embellished version:

A World View

I recently created an acrylic on canvas painting. I thought lots about it before picking up a brush and thought I might share what I think it means. First, just take a look and see all the bright colors, flowers and creatures!

My view? The trellis is a community or city. The the flowers are what sustains the folks in the area, the grocery store. The hummingbird, butterfly, caterpillar and bees are us, people of all kinds and characteristics. They gather peacefully, don’t they? At least these do.

One thing folks don’t notice is that the flower vines have stems that have roots into the ground, aka the earth. What if that very bright sun with dagger rays shined for weeks with no rain? Drought is increasing. Of course floods are on the rise (ahem…) as well. What if petroleum or other pollution got to the roots? Happens too much.

If the flowers die, the whole system dies. And please see the flowers are all curved away from that hot sun; the planet’s already warming. I started considering this painting as a metaphor for love and light, the critters all getting together so well and all. It still does I suppose, love our planet and let the light shine on our correcting the harm done over the decades so those who come after us can have a safe and beautiful planet to live on.

I just love flowers! This is from the variousentityshoppe collection.

Springtime At the Cabin!

These beauties clump together and spread over the years, sometimes washing over to new locations in heavy rains. Real harbingers of Spring!



I love the cabin at Spring, all the birds coming back filling the air with song. The flowers begin blooming and the trees leaf out and get fat buds. Rain, rain, then rain, rain, rain; at least I have no trouble keeping water in the well! I adore seeing the new constellations rolling across the sky at the deep darkness seen way out in the woodland – the Milky Way is delightful! If you must be at home, enjoy the Spring around you, even if it is only a pair of cardinals flitting by.

BTW, I’ve been getting more book orders at Old Lady Who? If any of you folks have ordered, thanks so much! Whoever sends an order I always break out into a great grin and leap up to fill the order! To me, reading a book stomps all over loneliness as you get transported elsewhere, at least for a while.

Good health and happiness to all of you, your families and your loved ones! Hey! Hey! May Day!


Fruit trees budding!

Phil Was Wrong, Right?

I have a fervent hope that Puxatawney (sp?) Phil was wrong this year! A spiffily dressed gentleman holding the poor creature high somehow inferred 6 more weeks of winter. But I have peach trees and plums blooming! No hard freezes, please…pretty please?

The first harbinger of Spring has been in bloom all week everywhere I look around the cabin, and how beautiful they are. There are several spots were the flowers cover square yards of ground. I rather like this brightening of the drab woodland, myself. The Wild Branch is still up – rain, rain, rain. Better than snow, snow, snow like some of you poor souls are getting.

Woods Water Narcs


I Met A New Guy!

Walking around the woods, I keep an eye out for the newest wildflower blooms, snakes, and for something unusual. Saturday was a beauteous day, sunny without excess heat and thankfully rainless.

Fleabanes in grassThe ever-present fleabane is very pretty in the white and pink forms. I love the idea of them being flea banes, but have only found them to harbor ticks and mites.

Cabin bb blooms closeThere are many blackberry brambles around here, and never are they as obvious as when they are blooming. Wondrous cascades of white! Watch out for the fine thorns…

Yellow weed flowersThese fill entire fields, making pre-plowed farms have seas of bold yellow. Individually, they’re not much. An acre thick with them is spectacular.Woods 003.JPGOh, let’s not forget the flying flowers!


Then there he stood, frozen in place by the mere sight of me. I came closer, coy, not wishing to spook him. He may have been around since Day 1; I had not noted one before. Meet the Red Spotted Newt!Handsome little fellow, isn’t he?

Woods 006