Critters in the Woods Serial!

First, my indy bookstore Old Lady Who? has been busier…thanks so much for orders! The most touching order was a lady in NYC who ordered a very nice Pop-Up book – I imagined her trapped in her apartment with her child out of school. Maybe not even close to the real scene, but it felt so good to supply that ray of sunshine in any case.

As promised earlier this week: Critters in the Woods CRITTERS IN CRISIS Serial starts today. I hope you enjoy it; it does NOT have anything in it to remind us of a pandemic.







The Critters Want to Help!


The Critters in the Woods gave me a real talkin’ to this weekend: We want to cheer you folks up! Therefore I clicked some pics of the little fellers and took dictation. This first one is just a starter. Later this week they have an exciting, thriller-action 20 part serial (or so, they can’t count worth a hoot) they want to give out. Look for their acting prowess every weekday! (Um, I only have internet from up here in town. When I get home to the cabin on the weekends its just me and the Critters.)

Click to make it big enough to read!



Have Some Reading Time?

Happy Friday to all you folks!

Lots of us are becoming home-bound, at least for a while. As an avid reader for all my life (since I chewed on my Little Golden Books), my go-to is to comb the shelves.  Don’t have enough to read? The TV wearing you out? How about these ideas?

Amazon has my Elise t’Hoot Galactic Adventure series ready for eBook download, as well as a variety of Take-A-Break Shorts. Just sayin‘, they’re worth a peek. You’d even have time to review them!

I’m still able to get to the Post Office…and they’re still open. If you need something to in your hands to read, I have another suggestion!


Old Lady Who?

Horse Branch, KY, U.S.A.

Joined May 1, 2016

I have an Online Bookstore called Old Lady Who? It’s on the ABE Books website, where independent booksellers all over the place work together to sell new and gently used books. There are hundred of thousands of books – there’s bound to be something you like. Good for independents and good to recycle perfectly good books…and good for the reader! The postal delivery may be delayed because of the great increase in ordering stuff these days, but the book should reach you. I mailed out two books this week! Check out ABEBooks !