What Happened to Autumn?

From this:

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To this:


This is surely the shortest fall I’ve ever had…except for the time I stumbled while going down the cabin stairs and fell back on my rear!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stay safe on the icy roads!

Ice CreamTo what do my wondering eyes appear? 3/4 of a carton of leftover potluck rocky road? Oh my, whatever shall I do with it? As mentioned last week – hide the bathroom scales for a month few months!

Impending Autumn

I thought I’d post a few timely pictures to show I’m still alive and kicking! Fall is my favorite time of the year; the weather starts cooling and I can cozy up to thick, soft clothes. Who doesn’t enjoy the vibrant colors of a majestic hardwood forest? And fortunate me – I live in the midst of a beautiful one. See the flocks of silhouetted birds headed for the beaches, see some of the squirrels hoarding nuts while other sneak up and steal them, see the evening sun arrive sooner and sooner.


Write down what size furnace filters you need and get a pack now because you’ll be too busy with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to think of them later. And a note to self, make up some of that superlatively soft fleece and faux fur you got on sale last spring…you have the patterns, now find the time!

Leaf Birds

Stemmery QC 035Glossy mahogany leavesoak leaves
lofted from the highest limbs of the majestic white oak start their long drift down.
Up! A gusty blow shoots them higher than they’ve ever been! Whirling and darting as do the birds they’ve envied so often, they are loose from the limb. Free air lifts and enlivens them, only them, and they dance gaily, lightly.

Loosing breath, they flutter from the magnificent sky in a gentle gyre.
They settle with a sigh upon the many that have gone before, resigned to sleep, treasuring their grand time as leaf birds.

Stemmery QC 024Stemmery QC 023On the front porch watching and listening to the birds, you see the neatest things. The wind plays a lot of tricks, too! Here is is Friday afternoon and I can hardly wait to get back home. Rainy or nor, here I come!  Doesn’t this picture look like a watercolor?
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