Bear With Me?

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Keep the Wild in Wildlife

04/27/2018 09:53 AM EDT

Warmer temperatures mean bear activity is on the rise in Kentucky. Complaints about bears raiding garbage are on the rise as well.

Critters 009
Do you think he sees a bear?


Leafy vs not
Is that a bear on the far right side?

There are no bears here that I know of, but the bulldozers scraping every living thing off the ground for quick cash , leaving it thereafter for weeds, are getting nearer every day. That’s why I have so many coyotes and bobcats and no more chipmunks or rabbits…or outside cats. Maybe a bear or two would scare the big yellow monsters away, or maybe I could make endangered or sensitive habitat claims?  100 acres isn’t really that large a tract for sizeable predators, but it might be worth a shot. Bad metaphor? No bag-bang.

I wouldn’t mind having Smoky Bear ( officially NOT Smoky the Bear) and family around to emphasize we need to keep some real WOODLANDS alive. Go Cubs!Bear sad
















Alas! Snowy Peaches

An Itty-Bitty Bobber!


Ming 007
Out at Sunrise and what do I see? Not a Dan-de-Lion, it’s a Snow-de-Lion!
Ming 008
Punxatawny Phil was right, darn it. Oh, my poor little peaches! They were covered by bumblebees just last weekend.

Fudge likes it.

Ming 026
Coming down like confetti early, but all gone by noon.