Springtime At the Cabin!

These beauties clump together and spread over the years, sometimes washing over to new locations in heavy rains. Real harbingers of Spring!



I love the cabin at Spring, all the birds coming back filling the air with song. The flowers begin blooming and the trees leaf out and get fat buds. Rain, rain, then rain, rain, rain; at least I have no trouble keeping water in the well! I adore seeing the new constellations rolling across the sky at the deep darkness seen way out in the woodland – the Milky Way is delightful! If you must be at home, enjoy the Spring around you, even if it is only a pair of cardinals flitting by.

BTW, I’ve been getting more book orders at Old Lady Who? If any of you folks have ordered, thanks so much! Whoever sends an order I always break out into a great grin and leap up to fill the order! To me, reading a book stomps all over loneliness as you get transported elsewhere, at least for a while.

Good health and happiness to all of you, your families and your loved ones! Hey! Hey! May Day!


Fruit trees budding!

Alas! Snowy Peaches

An Itty-Bitty Bobber!


Ming 007
Out at Sunrise and what do I see? Not a Dan-de-Lion, it’s a Snow-de-Lion!

Ming 008
Punxatawny Phil was right, darn it. Oh, my poor little peaches! They were covered by bumblebees just last weekend.

Fudge likes it.

Ming 026
Coming down like confetti early, but all gone by noon.

Phil Was Wrong, Right?

I have a fervent hope that Puxatawney (sp?) Phil was wrong this year! A spiffily dressed gentleman holding the poor creature high somehow inferred 6 more weeks of winter. But I have peach trees and plums blooming! No hard freezes, please…pretty please?

The first harbinger of Spring has been in bloom all week everywhere I look around the cabin, and how beautiful they are. There are several spots were the flowers cover square yards of ground. I rather like this brightening of the drab woodland, myself. The Wild Branch is still up – rain, rain, rain. Better than snow, snow, snow like some of you poor souls are getting.

Woods Water Narcs


Come On, Spring!

Narrow Narcs 2Could there be a brighter harbinger?




A panorama of flowers trying to ward off the mean old coldWoodrose Narcs broad view

Peach BlossomsLeafy vs notAlgae spring close



The bright early plum

She wants to bloom free

Says winter’s a bum

I agree with the tree








Apples, coaching the laggard trees beyond

And the moss the moss on the stone is listening

As is the little strawberry nestled in the hay

Spring is coming, surely any day!



Narrow stawb in hay












Spring MUST Be On the Way!

Last weekend got up to the low 70’s F and I had to walk about to see how nature fared. Oh look! The Spring Flowers (narcissi) are coming up through the leaves!Feb Cabin narrow narc emerging

Feb Cabin narc field sharperFeb Cabin narc from leaves 3







See the buds! And one single bloom on the entire bank. These are massed halfway up the vertical part of my driveway. It’s shady there; the Spring Flowers at the gravel road turn-off are already in full bloom. That’s not on my land, though…I love what’s in my front yard best.Feb Cabin narc bloom

Feb Cabin narc almost ready bud Feb Cabin narc emergingFeb Cabin narc bud












The peaches, nectarine and plum are swelling their buds…I sure hope a hard freeze doesn’t kill them.Feb Cabin blurry peach limb


Feb Cabin peach plum buds






The ferns are getting green and the strawberries are escaping their bounds. Last but by no means least, the twig with the yellow ribbon is a lilac…it’s getting buds too. Spring MUST be on it’s bright and sunny way!

Feb Cabin escaping strawbsFeb Cabin ferns skinnyFeb Cabin lilac buds